Category: Organisation

Fisioterapia no Brasil: Profissão assegurada por Decreto-Lei

DECRETO-LEI N.938 / 69 DE 13 DE OUTUBRO DE 1969 DOU nº.197 de 14/10/69 – retificado em 16-10-1969 Sec. I – Pág. 3.658  Provê sobre as profissões de fisioterapeuta e terapeuta ocupacional, e dá outras providências  Os Ministros da Marinha de Guerra, do Exército e da Aeronáutica Militar, usando das

Locating Objects from Physiotherapy History

There are different ways to learn about (physiotherapy) history as a wide variety of sources answer questions about the past. Historians differentiate between primary sources, i.e. sources that have survived from the past, and secondary sources, i.e. accounts of the past that are written at a later period of time.

Datas Importantes Para a Fisioterapia Brasileira

1951 a 1957 – Curso Raphael de Barros – Planejado pelo Dr. Waldo Rolim de Moraes, com o objetivo de formar “técnicos em fisioterapia”, funcionou nas instalações do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo USP. 05 de agosto de 1954 – Fundação da Associação Brasileira Beneficente de Reabilitação

An emerging history of Physiotherapy in the United Arab Emirates

Very much in the centre of our familiar flat world map is a small country with a coastline at the north east of the Arabian Peninsula on what we call the Arabian Sea and other may know as the Persian Gulf. In fact, this area has been long fought over,


Brasil: Os Primeiros Anos da Profissão: Parte 2 – O Caso de Pernambuco

Meio-termo no sentido aristotélico¹, não se aplica quando situamos o Estado de Pernambuco como Celeiro de Fisioterapeutas para o país; preferimos o excesso. E assim estamos em boa companhia, quando o Prof. Miguel Doherty no prefácio do livro O Trabalho Médico Científico², de Ruy Neves Baptista (Recife: Bagaço, 2003) referindo-se

History of Physiotherapy Education in South Africa – the SMU & UKZN story

Physiotherapy Department at Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) (Information provided by the current HOD, Prof Douglas Maleka, class of 1976 and all MEDUNSA/UL/SMU graduates, associates and friends, especially Mrs Melody Nguna (nee Mji) and Ms Shoeshoe Zulu (nee Mopeli)) Physiotherapy was one of the professions reserved exclusively for the

New Links to a World of Physio History

With some intrepid searching and a lot of time, members of the IPHA Exec have brought together some interesting links to the history of physiotherapy around the globe. The links are listed alphabetically by their country of origin and some may need some translation (thanks Google for making it easier).

Notes from IPHA Whole Group meeting – May 2019

We had a really lovely post-WCPT meeting of the whole IPHA membership this week. You can find links to the agenda and audio recording here. There were some decisions made at the meeting that will shape some of the work of the IPHA for the next year or so: The

A brief history of Brazil’s Federal Council of Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy (English & Portuguese)

The aspiration in forming the Council was to create a federal entity that would act as ethical and social regulator of the profession, whose advent resulted from the work of the Brazilian Association of Physical Therapists together with local associations and state leaderships. Initially linked to the Ministry of Labor

Quarterly IPHA Meeting Notice

The quarterly open meeting of the International Physiotherapy History Association will take place on-line at 7am (Auckland time) on Tuesday 14th August.  Please check your local times. We’ve been very busy since our last meeting, so will be able to update you on the website and social media activity, our

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