Executive Half Year Report – June 2024

The Executive Committee met on three occasions by Zoom teleconference in the first half of 2024. During this period founding member Rob Jones (United Kingdom) retired and new members Ximena Suärez Bonilla (Mexico/Spain) and Esther-Mary D’Arcy (Ireland) were welcomed. The current Executive Committee membership consists of

  • Glenn Ruscoe, Chair (Australia)
  • Sarah Marshall (Canada) – leave of absence
  • Sandra Schiller (Germany)
  • Magda Fourie (South Africa)
  • Cameron MacDonald (USA)
  • Ryan McGrath (Australia)
  • Wajida Perveen (Pakistan)
  • Snjezana Schuster (Croatia)
  • Ximena Suárez Bonilla (Mexico/Spain)
  • Esther-Mary D’Arcy (Ireland)

Sixteen articles exploring the history of the profession were published on our website from eight different authors from Croatia, Pakistan, Australia, Germany, United Kingdom and Mexico.

The ’20+ Seminal Texts of the 20th century’ exhibition was published on our website. A survey of members was taken and the chosen books were identified and displayed by their front or fly covers. Preliminary descriptive text has been been included for each book and more information will be progressively added.

Our major project ‘The History of the Word Physiotherapy’ has been completed and we are seeking a publisher for a summary paper. Once published the full project will also be made available on our website. The project unearthed some new information and by exploring the word physiotherapy rather than the profession, provides terrific context to help explain how we have become who we are.

Our ‘Class of ?’ project, where we seek to capture a range of student physiotherapy experiences across time and around the world, has begun its data collection phase. Members are invited to contribute their experiences via the questionnaire on our website.

Feedback was sought from our membership on preferred communication from the Executive. Based on the members advice the Executive’s conclusion was to provide six monthly reports on our website. These reports will also form a historical record of the Association’s activity.

Posted by Glenn Ruscoe

Glenn is a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist working in private practice in Perth, Australia. A strong advocate for the profession, Glenn has been heavily involved in leadership of professional associations and regulatory boards. Currently he is Managing Director of the Registry Operator of the .physio domain top level extension.

  1. Rodney W Farr 27/06/2024 at 2:11 am

    Thanks for all your efforts. I happy to receive 6 monthly reports via the web site. Cheers Rod Farr


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