Tag: Africa

History of Physiotherapy Education in South Africa – the SMU & UKZN story
Physiotherapy Department at Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University (SMU) (Information provided by the current HOD, Prof Douglas Maleka, class of 1976 and all MEDUNSA/UL/SMU graduates, associates and friends, especially Mrs Melody Nguna (nee Mji) and Ms Shoeshoe Zulu (nee Mopeli)) Physiotherapy was one of the professions reserved exclusively for the …

The Development of Physiotherapy in South Africa
In 1921 a small group of masseurs in Cape Town banded together to form the Certified Masseurs Association, primarily to rehabilitate soldiers after World War I as well as the patients affected by the polio epidemic also hitting South Africa. In the same year the first pioneer group in the …