Tag: education

Are We Keeping Physical Therapy White?

Medicine’s Model Medicine has often been framed as the “ideal” profession, leading other health fields to emulate it when pursuing their own professionalisation. American medicine’s current education system came about during the early-twentieth century, as part of a multi-decade campaign to enhance the profession’s status by restricting education to an

State Institute for Massage and Physiotherapy, Dresden, Class of 1928

Seventy Years of Studenthood

Studying physiotherapy was as beautiful as it was difficult. Every physiotherapist was at some point a student; a period of their lives full of unique but familiar experiences. We asked physiotherapists from around the world to share their educational stories, including their transition into the work force, in order to

A Personal History of Dry Needling

In 1992 when I was studying a post-graduate manual therapy course at Curtin University, Perth, the educational emphasis was primarily on joints and neural tissue, with an early smattering of pain science. Whilst assessing a patient during one clinical session, no tests related to any of the education provided were

School of Medicine, University of Queensland

Early Years of Physiotherapy at the University of Queensland

The first course in physiotherapy at the University of Queensland commenced in 1938. Like other programs in Australia and around the world, it was established in response to the shortage of trained masseurs to treat victims of recurrent poliomyelitis epidemics. Discussions regarding the establishment of a course had begun some

Guy's Hospital, Southwark: an aerial view. Engraving by W. H. Toms after R. West, c.1738. Wellcome Collection.

Guy’s Hospital School of Physiotherapy, London

An Overview of the Origins and History 1888 to1992 During the early to mid-1970s I was privileged to work as a member of the physiotherapy staff at Guy’s Hospital London.  Guy’s was founded in 1726 and is recognised as one of the great and famous hospitals in the United Kingdom

Taschenbergpalais around 1920

The State Institute for Physiotherapy and Massage in Dresden, Germany

(Translated by Sandra Schiller) Physiotherapy as a profession has different roots throughout Europe. Sweden pioneered medical gymnastics at the beginning of the 19th century. The initiator was Pehr Henrik Ling, a Swedish poet with a great love for nature and his country. The Royal Central Institute of Swedish Gymnastics was

20+/20 Seminal Texts Announced

In 2023 we asked the physiotherapy profession which texts of the 20th century they believed have most influenced them. Our objective was to choose a top 20 but because there were so many nominated, we’ve modified our criteria to be the top 20+. Discover the selected texts here. As hard

The Unique Case of Doctors becoming Physiotherapists

The health workforce is hierarchical and movement across professions is almost always upwards as individuals seek higher reward, recompense and status.  Only rarely is there is movement downward.  This story tells of a unique occurrence in Israel in the late 20th century where necessity caused qualified medical practitioners to retrain

The First 50 Years of the Australian College of Physiotherapy

The Australian College of Physiotherapists was established in August 1971, although the idea of a College was first suggested in 1955. The original vision was to develop a means of encouraging and recognising scholarly and original work carried out by members of the profession as there were no formal higher

The End of a Physiotherapy School

Abandoned architectural, infrastructural or technological artifacts of the past are scattered all around the world, reminding us that nothing built by (wo)man can ever stand the test of time on its own. The reasons behind the abandonment of such places vary, and for a long time in most cases they

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