Tag: physiotherapy

The Unique Case of Doctors becoming Physiotherapists

The health workforce is hierarchical and movement across professions is almost always upwards as individuals seek higher reward, recompense and status.  Only rarely is there is movement downward.  This story tells of a unique occurrence in Israel in the late 20th century where necessity caused qualified medical practitioners to retrain

The “Grandfather” of New Zealand Physiotherapy

In 1921, when the presence of men within the massage profession was still largely frowned upon, Matthew Guinan was the 77th masseur to be registered with the New Zealand Masseurs Registration Board.  His registration was granted under the Board’s amnesty for anyone who had practiced as a masseur in New

The History of Physiotherapy in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The following is from an article titled, The History of Physiotherapy in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Mirjana Dujmović and Jasmin Avdovićwritten; published in Fizioterapija Macedonica Journal.  It was translated into English by Google Translate and then summarized. Pre-History Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) located on the European Balkan Penisula is geologically

Britain’s Napoleonic Sailors and the Luxury of Physiotherapy

The physical therapies of massage, exercise, heat/ice, electricity, light, etc., have existed for thousands of years across all civilisations, but it was not until the 20th century that physiotherapy emerged as a significant and unique profession. In his latest article (available in Open Access) physiotherapy writer and researcher David Nicholls

A Nobel Prize for Physiotherapy?

The following story is a summary of an article by Nils Hanson and Anders Ottosson, titled ‘Nobel Prize for Physical Therapy? Rise, Fall, and Revival of Medical-Mechanical Institutes’. In his will of 1895, the Swedish innovator Alfred Nobel stipulated that of five yearly prizes, one should go to the person,

When Giants Collide: The Birth of Manipulative Physiotherapy

The following article is based on an article titled “History of IFOMT” by David W Lamb, Freddy M Kaltenborn and Stanley V Paris.  The three authors were pioneering leaders in their field and drivers of the formation of the, now known as, International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT).

A Brief History of Physiotherapy in The Netherlands

Rise of Remedial Gymnastics and Massage in the 19th Century Physiotherapy, as it is now known, in the Netherlands has its origins in the first half of the 19th century.  The forerunners were healing gymnasts and masseurs who came from Sweden and Germany.  Initially separate professions with separate training, they

Sister Kenny

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of her passing we will explore the life of this Australian ‘nurse’ whose work with polio victims opened the modern-day era of rehabilitation and physiotherapy. Whilst working in outback Queensland in 1909, Kenny found that several children suffered from a disease that she

Fysiotherapie in perspectief, 50 jaar verleden – heden

Physiotherapy in Perspective, 50 years past – present The Stichting Gescheidenis Fysiotherapie (SGF) (History of Physiotherapy Foundation) of the Netherlands, through 2018 to 2021 published a series of short historical articles in the journal PhysioPraxis.  The series was titled “Physiotherapy in Perspective, 50 years past – present”. With great thanks

100 Objects of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is a profession synonymous with its hands, however there is much equipment we also use. The 100 Objects of Physiotherapy project aims to tell a story of the profession through the tools that it has used throughout its history. Some of the objects we’ve chosen are iconic, others are

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