Tag: profession

Are We Keeping Physical Therapy White?

Medicine’s Model Medicine has often been framed as the “ideal” profession, leading other health fields to emulate it when pursuing their own professionalisation. American medicine’s current education system came about during the early-twentieth century, as part of a multi-decade campaign to enhance the profession’s status by restricting education to an

The women’s University of Adelaide Tennis Club team in 1923

Careers for Girls

In 1927 ‘The News’ newspaper in Adelaide, South Australia ran a weekly series of articles on their Woman’s page exploring suitable careers for girls; “a problem which at times confronts the parents of daughters”. The newspaper obtained the information for the article from an un-named “authority in the occupation”. The

State Institute for Massage and Physiotherapy, Dresden, Class of 1928

Seventy Years of Studenthood

Studying physiotherapy was as beautiful as it was difficult. Every physiotherapist was at some point a student; a period of their lives full of unique but familiar experiences. We asked physiotherapists from around the world to share their educational stories, including their transition into the work force, in order to

New Article Published

The International Physiotherapy History Association is pleased to announce that it has published an editorial in the journal Physiotherapy Theory and Practice. This editorial, titled “Physiotherapy: The history behind the word”, explores how the current profession, having evolved from a series of disconnected practices (such as manipulation, gymnastics, massage, hydrotherapy,

A Short History of Physiotherapy in Ireland

Miss Amelia Hogg set up the first Irish School of Massage at 86 Lower Lesson Street, Dublin in 1905. Nine years later the school moved to 12 Hume Street and remained there for 50 years. Miss Hogg had trained as a nurse, and the 1911 census recorded that she was

A Distinctive Style

In September 1940, in the dark days of the Second World War, Denmark was occupied by Germany and Rudie Agersnap was elected chairman of the Danish Massage Association. Restrictions and rationing brought challenges for the profession, with a lack of necessary goods for the masseuses to carry out their work.

Students from the University of Queensland Physiotherapy Course. Graduation Year 1941.

A Profession for Middle Class Women

In 1986 Stephanie Short, a physiotherapist and sociologist, published an article in the Australian Journal of Physiotherapy titled, “Physiotherapy – A feminine profession”. Short argued that the female-dominated professions in health care are not as powerful as the male-dominated medical profession and that the key factor in shaping the discrepancies

The Other McKenzie

Within the physiotherapy profession the name McKenzie resonates with greatness. New Zealand musculoskeletal physiotherapist Robin McKenzie revolutionised the worldwide treatment of low back pain in the 1980s and his work continues today through the McKenzie Institute International.  However there is another, less well known McKenzie, whose contribution to the profession of

State Institute for Massage and Physiotherapy, Dresden, Class of 1928

Researching the History of Physiotherapy in Saxony (Germany).

(Translated by Sandra Schiller) When I started research on the history of physiotherapy in Saxony for a talk I had been invited to give following German Reunification in 1990, I asked the state schools for physiotherapy in Leipzig, Zwickau and Dresden for any memorabilia they might have. One of the

20+/20 Seminal Texts Announced

In 2023 we asked the physiotherapy profession which texts of the 20th century they believed have most influenced them. Our objective was to choose a top 20 but because there were so many nominated, we’ve modified our criteria to be the top 20+. Discover the selected texts here. As hard

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