Tag: professional

The Unique Case of Doctors becoming Physiotherapists
The health workforce is hierarchical and movement across professions is almost always upwards as individuals seek higher reward, recompense and status. Only rarely is there is movement downward. This story tells of a unique occurrence in Israel in the late 20th century where necessity caused qualified medical practitioners to retrain …

The First 50 Years of the Australian College of Physiotherapy
The Australian College of Physiotherapists was established in August 1971, although the idea of a College was first suggested in 1955. The original vision was to develop a means of encouraging and recognising scholarly and original work carried out by members of the profession as there were no formal higher …

New Links to a World of Physio History
With some intrepid searching and a lot of time, members of the IPHA Exec have brought together some interesting links to the history of physiotherapy around the globe. The links are listed alphabetically by their country of origin and some may need some translation (thanks Google for making it easier). …

The Primary Contact Physiotherapist
In 1976 the Australian Journal of Physiotherapy published an article by Prue Galley titled ‘Patient referral and the physiotherapist’. This article was a synthesis of the debates and arguments about whether Australian physiotherapists were ready to act as primary contact professionals. Galley asked: Have we as physiotherapists, the knowledge, the …