Category: Projects

Tell Us About Your Student Days
Every physiotherapist was at some point, a student. Thrust into a steep and never ending learning curve of anatomy, physiology, pathology, and more. We are interested in how student days were different around the world and across time, and are asking for all physiotherapists to share their stories. Please tell …

20+/20 Seminal Texts Announced
In 2023 we asked the physiotherapy profession which texts of the 20th century they believed have most influenced them. Our objective was to choose a top 20 but because there were so many nominated, we’ve modified our criteria to be the top 20+. Discover the selected texts here. As hard …

100 Objects of Physiotherapy
Physiotherapy is a profession synonymous with its hands, however there is much equipment we also use. The 100 Objects of Physiotherapy project aims to tell a story of the profession through the tools that it has used throughout its history. Some of the objects we’ve chosen are iconic, others are …

Mobilising a Profession: Geoffrey Maitland
…Maitland’s emphasis on very careful and comprehensive examination leading to the precise application of treatment by movement and followed in turn by the assessment of the effects of that movement on the patient, form the basis for the modern clinical approach. This is probably as close to the scientific method …

History’s Greatest Physios Announced
On the 125th anniversary year of the commencement of the Society of Trained Masseuses in the United Kingdom, one of the seminal moments in the history of the profession, the International Physiotherapy History Association (IPHA) called for nominations from the global physiotherapy and physical therapy community to help determine History’s …

History’s Greatest Physios – Shortlist Announced
UPDATE: The Winners will be announced early, on 14 November 2019. In this 125th anniversary year of the commencement of the Society of Trained Masseuses in the United Kingdom, arguably the beginning of the profession, the International Physiotherapy History Association (IPHA) called for nominations from the global physiotherapy and physical …

The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) Retirement Association Oral History Project
One of the main functions of the IPHA is to be a conduit or link to the various physiotherapy history projects, writings, presentations and events going on around the world. To that end, we’re very pleased to be able to point readers to some resources produced by Barbara Richardson and …