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This is a collection of our latest and greatest content from our talented writers.

The first ever Special Issue on the History of Physiotherapy now in print

Nearly three years ago now, we put out a call for people interested in compiling a special issue on the history of physiotherapy for the journal Physiotherapy Theory & Practice, and I’m delighted to say that the papers are now appearing online. There are seven full papers and one Editorial in

A physician advocates exercise for his inert, adipose patient

De Arte Gymanstica – The Art of Exercise Prescription

Although books dating back to ancient Chinese, Indian, Arabic, Greek and Roman civilisations contained numerous accounts of physical therapies (Galen reports that Roman emperor Julius Caesar used electric fish to treat neuralgia, for instance), De Arte Gymnastica may be the first book dedicated to the specific prescription of those physical

Were Ancient Spas Precursors for Today’s Massage and Exercise?

Balnea was the name of the ancient spas that would offer any bath and body services such as massage. This characterized both Greek and Roman spas for a long time. In the imperial times, the Roman balnea changed their name into thermae and there worked different figures such as –

The process of physiotherapy professionalisation in the UK – Development of autonomy, Part IV

A Watershed in Professional Independence in the UK – The McMillan Report NOTE: Readers may be interested to know that Mr E.L. McMillan (Chairman of the McMillan working Party, in whose name the Report was published) was a patient of the author during the period that the working party was

Datas Importantes Para a Fisioterapia Brasileira

1951 a 1957 – Curso Raphael de Barros – Planejado pelo Dr. Waldo Rolim de Moraes, com o objetivo de formar “técnicos em fisioterapia”, funcionou nas instalações do Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo USP. 05 de agosto de 1954 – Fundação da Associação Brasileira Beneficente de Reabilitação

The Physiotherapy that Time Forgot

In 2018 I experienced “physiotherapy” from many years ago; at the Igalo Spa in Herceg Novi, Montenegro. That’s not me in the photo above, just an indication of what is to come. To give some background about the Igalo Spa I’ve taken a few excerpts from their website at www.igalospa.com:

Mobilising a workforce

On Friday this week (20thNovember 2020), the physiotherapy staff in the acute London NHS Trust where I work, along with other professional groups in the organisation, received a request asking for volunteers to administer Covid-19 vaccinations to the Trust’s workforce. Physiotherapists in the UK (along with other groups of healthcare

The End of a Physiotherapy School

Abandoned architectural, infrastructural or technological artifacts of the past are scattered all around the world, reminding us that nothing built by (wo)man can ever stand the test of time on its own. The reasons behind the abandonment of such places vary, and for a long time in most cases they

History of Physiotherapy at the University of Pretoria

Introduction The history of the development of Physiotherapy as a profession as well as the development of Physiotherapy as a professional degree at the University of Pretoria should be seen in the greater context of the Development of Physiotherapy as a profession in South Africa. In the first section of

Black Physiotherapy Education continued:  The first coloured Students allowed University of the Western Cape

When reflecting on the history of an academic institution, one cannot ignore the historical and political context in which it was established. The ruling Nationalist Party ensured separate development through its Apartheid policy of racial segregation at all levels of society, including education. Access to historically white universities (HWUs) was

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