All posts by Elisavet Anastasiadi

Elisavet was born in Greece and qualified in Athens as a physiotherapist. She has since worked and studied in England and Greece. Elisavet specialized in Musculoskeletal physiotherapy at Brighton University and have since worked in the NHS in England and privately in Greece. She have a teaching role in the Greek university of Physiotherapy in Athens and in a private College where she teaches BSc Physiotherapy students. Elisavet am a Phd candidate at the University of Brighton and her main interest is the therapeutic relationship. For the past two years she has been doing volunteer work as a physiotherapist at a clinic addressed to socioeconomically vulnerable people.

Ancient Greek Healers and the Therapeutic Relationship

Impressions from a guided tour at the National Archeological Museum of Athens The tour was about the healers in Ancient Greece, their methods and tools they used for healing from pre-historical times until the end of the ancient world. At least that was my impression because at the end of

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