Category: Editorial

Physical Therapy’s Oscar Winning Film

On the 75th anniversary of its production we look back at the profession’s 1949 Oscar winning film. ‘Toward Independence’ is a 1948 American short documentary film about the rehabilitation of military veterans with spinal cord injuries. In 1949, it won an Oscar for Documentary Short Subject at the 21st Academy

The New Zealand Private Practice Boom

In the years before 1974, private physiotherapy practices were few and far between in New Zealand. Patients either paid the full cost of treatment themselves, or claimed against private insurance schemes which had highly unregulated fee structures and were unwilling to negotiate fees with physiotherapists locally or nationally.  With the

International Man of Action

A man, wearing dark glasses, sits front and centre of the audience of the inaugural meeting of the World Confederation for Physical Therapy, held on 8th September 1951 in Copenhagen, Denmark.  He sits upright, leaning forward slightly, his arms resting lightly on his knees with his hands loosely curled, portraying

Ancient Greek Healers and the Therapeutic Relationship

Impressions from a guided tour at the National Archeological Museum of Athens The tour was about the healers in Ancient Greece, their methods and tools they used for healing from pre-historical times until the end of the ancient world. At least that was my impression because at the end of

Member Malaise in 1921

It is 102 years since the first editions of The P.T. Review were published. A periodical which would become the Journal of Physical Therapy, now PTJ. Taking the time to step back and immerse ourselves in the writings of those who led the formation of the professional association; that would

The Greenlane Rocker Bed

The image of the Greenlane ‘rocker’ bed will be familiar to generations of physiotherapists who worked at Greenlane Hospital, in Auckland, New Zealand during the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Originally much smaller, the rocker, or tipping bed, was designed by the parents of a girl with bronchiectasis who was being


Queen Elizabeth II: Late Patron of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

This article reflects some of the key contributions of our late and much-loved Queen Elizabeth II, as Patron of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), as we look to the Coronation of King Charles III on 6th May 2023.   There are many references in physiotherapy publications to Her Majesty

Reflections on two unique and great women who served as presidents of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

Baroness Boothroyd and Baroness Masham who both died during the early months of this year were unique and great women who achieved and gave so much to Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP).   The CSP was fortunate to benefit from their commitment, expertise and advocacy as Presidents and figureheads. Baroness

When Giants Collide: The Birth of Manipulative Physiotherapy

The following article is based on an article titled “History of IFOMT” by David W Lamb, Freddy M Kaltenborn and Stanley V Paris.  The three authors were pioneering leaders in their field and drivers of the formation of the, now known as, International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Physical Therapists (IFOMPT).

Bonesetters of Brittany

The Bonesetters of Brittany

In the Brittany (Western France) of yesteryear, there was a dearth of medical doctors practicing in the rural areas and when one could be found, his professional services were rarely affordable. Traditional healing treatments and remedies were therefore widely used; one of the local healers most commonly consulted was the

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