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This is a collection of our latest and greatest content from our talented writers.

Guidelines for Computerised Information Systems in the UK NHS Physiotherapy Services: An Historical Perspective

Background This paper (below) was published in the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Journal “Physiotherapy” in April 1994.  At that time, there were very few computerised information systems specifically designed for physiotherapy services and Allied Health in the UK but computerised information systems were gradually becoming more widely used in the

Why Information Systems for Physiotherapy? – An Historical Perspective

I think the service I led and managed was the first in the United Kingdom to make Personal Computer (PC) access fully available to all physiotherapy staff and by the time I retired from that role all of my out-patient staff had their own work stations complete with PC.  I

The ways we lose our culture

A few years ago, I was going through some old papers and came across a fragile yellowed newspaper cutting celebrating the refurbished physiotherapy school in Dunedin, New Zealand. The broadsheet report had some lovely pictures of the wooden lecture theatre and a handful of women students in uniform studiously taking

Marathon Man

The grandson of enslaved parents, Ted Corbitt (1919-2007) was born on a cotton farm near Dunbarton, South Carolina, USA.  He recalls a childhood of running for pleasure and for the sheer necessity of getting around.  Corbitt ran track events in high school and later at the University of Cincinnati. Surrounded

Request for help: The Historical Genesis of Manual Therapy

This post comes from Cameron MacDonald, IPHA Exec member, who trained originally in Australia and has been a practicing clinician and researcher in the USA. Cameron is currently working on a Ph.D. provisionally titled: Identifying the basis of manual therapy for the physiotherapy, chiropractic, medical and osteopathic professions: Is there

Fysiotherapie in perspectief, 50 jaar verleden – heden

Physiotherapy in Perspective, 50 years past – present The Stichting Gescheidenis Fysiotherapie (SGF) (History of Physiotherapy Foundation) of the Netherlands, through 2018 to 2021 published a series of short historical articles in the journal PhysioPraxis.  The series was titled “Physiotherapy in Perspective, 50 years past – present”. With great thanks

Introduction of General Management into the UK NHS – CSP Response

The introduction of General Management into the National Health Service (NHS) in the United Kingdom (UK) which commenced in 1983/1984 was one of the most extensive and radical sets of changes to have taken place in the Service during its 73-year history. Arguably, the Griffiths recommendations which brought general management

Maggie Knott and students learning PNF techniques

PNF in Short

Initially termed ‘proprioceptive facilitation’ by Dr Herman Kabat in the early 1940’s, physical therapist Dorothy Voss added the word ‘neuromuscular’ to give us the now familiar Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF). Kabat’s conceptual framework for PNF came from his experience as a neurophysiologist and physician, and the works of Sister Elizabeth

Three recent books on the history of the physical therapies

In the history of physiotherapy, there’s been precious little work on the cultural history of the physical therapies themselves. But over the last few months, a few pieces of popular science writing have tackled subjects that are close to our hearts. Bill Hayes’ book Sweat: A history of exercise is

100 Objects of Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is a profession synonymous with its hands, however there is much equipment we also use. The 100 Objects of Physiotherapy project aims to tell a story of the profession through the tools that it has used throughout its history. Some of the objects we’ve chosen are iconic, others are

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